Local real estate market statistics are updated here monthly.
The REALTOR® Action Center consists of the 3 pillars to influence laws and policies that affect your real estate business. SDAR is one of the most influential voices shaping public policies impacting the region’s real estate industry.
Our Government Affairs Department
Manages advocacy programs that protect our members and their clients
Provides advice to local policymakers and key government staff
Recommends association policy
Lobbies on behalf of the industry
Makes recommendations of support for candidates who share our values.
One of the most important steps is to register to vote. Then make sure you vote in the next election on issues affecting real estate.
Register to VoteRed Alerts and Calls-For-Action notify REALTORS® of critical legislation at the local, state, or federal levels that directly affect your business.
REALTOR® Office ContactMembers are encouraged to make a minimum annual contribution to advance real estate interests at all levels of government.
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