Local real estate market statistics are updated here monthly.
No matter how economic conditions change, forward-looking real estate professionals can position themselvesand their firms to maximize income and capture growth opportunities. Boost your business with SDAR’s specialty trainings and courses.
Designations and certifications can help to establish you as a more knowledgable REALTOR® in the eyes of your clients. Become a First Time Buyer specialist, take one of our many CRS certification classes such as Tax planning, Boositng your Brand, Negotiation techniques, and so much more.
Get paid what you're worth! Learn the skills to be an accredited buyer representative in a 2-day course.
Get paid what you're worth! Learn the skills to be an accredited buyer representative in a 2-day course.
Attend the Certified International Property Specialist Course - Either in the Classroom or Online - Aug. 6, 7, 13, 14 & 15
Attend the Certified International Property Specialist Course - Either in the Classroom or Online - Aug. 6, 7, 13, 14 & 15