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Stats at a Glance

September Detached Median Prices (Month over Month) UNCHANGED
September Attached Median Prices (Month over Month) 4.4% DECREASE
September Detached Sold Listings (Month over Month) 13.9% DECREASE
September Attached Sold Listings (Month over Month) 22.1% DECREASE

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Single-Family Sales Slow, Attached Sales Rise in August

September 12, 2024

Heading into the fall season, sales of single-family homes in San Diego County slowed in August, while attached property sales rose slightly. Data on the current resale market is compiled by the Greater San Diego Association of REALTORS® (SDAR) through the San Diego Multiple Listing Service (SDMLS).

Resale purchases of single-family homes fell by 8 percent in August, compared to July. That’s in contrast to sales of condominiums and townhomes (attached properties) which rose 3-and-a-half percent from the previous month. The one-year change in closed sales for all properties amounts to a drop of just over 2 percent.

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admin September Detached Median Prices (Month over Month) UNCHANGED September Attached Median Prices (Month over Month) 4.4% DECREASE September Detached Sold Listings (Month over Month) 13.9% DECREASE September Attached Sold Listings (Month over Month) 22.1% DECREASE San Diego County Stats San Diego REALTOR® e-Magazine Classes & Webinars SDAR Caravans & Tours